Classics Faculty Share Expertise in Varied Channels
Faculty members from the Department of Classics showcase their research and expertise by presenting at and co-organizing conferences, crafting insightful articles, and engaging in academic dialogues and professional exchanges. Following are a few recent examples.
Assistant Professor Charles Kuper presented a paper on the text and image in the Menologion of Basil II at a double-panel during the October 2024 Byzantine Studies Conference in New York City. He and his co-organizer won funding for the papers from the Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture.
Associate Professor Justin Arft was a respondent to one of four papers on new computational approaches to the study of Homer and ancient Greek texts. Arft makes his appearance starting at about the 1:40 mark in the video from the Homer and Artificial Intelligence Workshop.
Assistant Professor Sam Blankenship wrote a response for the online Herodotus Helpline, an organization based in Scotland and devoted to the study of the historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus. Blankenship answered the question, “How did Herodotus know so much about what was happening in Persia?”