Dylan Bloy

Department of Classics
1104 McClung Tower
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-0413
Dylan Bloy
Senior Lecturer
Research Interests
Republican Rome, Greek Archaeology
Research Project
- Ph.D., Bryn Mawr College, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, 2000
Dissertation: Roman Cultural Diplomacy at Panhellenic Sanctuaries during the Conquest of Greece. - M.A., Bryn Mawr College, Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, 1995
- B.A., Williams College, cum laude in English and Art, 1992
- Franconi, T., D. Bloy, G. Farney, M. Notarian, and C. Rice, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: Sixth Excavation Season at Vacone” AIA Annual Meeting, January 7, 2018
- “Romans, Lombards, and Antiquarians at the Roman Villa of Vacone, Italy”AIA East Tennessee Society, November 2, 2017
- Rice, C., T. Franconi, D. Bloy, and G. Farney, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: Fifth Excavation Season at Vacone” AIA Annual Meeting, January 8, 2017
- Farney, G., T. Franconi, C. Rice, M. Notarian, G. Masci, and D. Bloy, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: Fourth Excavation Season at Vacone” AIA Annual Meeting, January 9, 2016
- Bloy, D., T. Franconi, C. Rice, andG. Farney, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: Third Excavation Season at Vacone”AIA Annual Meeting, January 9, 2015
- Farney, G., G. Masci, D. Bloy, M. Notarian, C. Rice, and T. Franconi, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: i risultati della seconda campagna di scavo a Vacone (RI)” 11° Incontro di Studi sul Lazio e la Sabina, Rome, June 4, 2014
- Bloy, D., T. Franconi, G. Farney, M. Notarian, and C. Rice, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: Second Excavation Season at Vacone” AIA Annual Meeting, January 5, 2014
- “The Rutgers Field School at Vacone: Purpose, Methods, and Results”
- Invited talk for the Classics graduate students at Rutgers, November 14, 2013
- Farney, G., G. Masci, D. Bloy, and M. Notarian, “La villa romana di Vacone: prima campagna di scavo” Decimo Incontro di Studi sul Lazio e la Sabina, Rome, June 4, 2013
- Bloy, D., M. Notarian, and G. Farney, “The Upper Sabina Tiberina Project: Report on First Excavation Season at Vacone” AIA Annual Meeting, January 5, 2013
- “The Geography of Triumph, 200-167 B.C.” APA Annual Meeting, January 7, 2012
- “Attalid Architectural Style as Cultural Strategy” AIA Annual Meeting, January 7, 2010
- “Cybele and Trojan Heritage in Rome’s Early Interactions with Anatolia” American Research Institute in Turkey, Ankara Center, March 9, 2009
- “A Reinterpretation of the Monument of L. Aemilius Paullus at Delphi” AIA Annual Meeting, January 8, 2009
- “Roman Cultural Diplomacy in the Import of the Magna Mater” APA Annual Meeting, January 5, 2008
- “Rival Claims to Trojan Heritage in the Troad during the Second Century B.C.” AIA Annual Meeting, January 4, 2008
- “Roman Personal Patronage of Greek Communities in the Early Second Century B.C.” APA Annual Meeting, January 5, 2002
- “A Craft Model for the Development of the Archaic Athenian Agora” AIA Annual Meeting, January 4, 2001
- “Greek War Booty at Luna and the Afterlife of Manius Acilius Glabrio” AIA Annual Meeting, December 28, 1999
- “Lucius Aemilius Paullus: A Case Study in Cultural Self-Aggrandizement by Roman Imperatores” American Academy in Rome, April 12, 1999
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Lecturer of Classics, Spring 2017-present
- Brooklyn College, Substitute Assistant Professor of Classics, 2013-2015
- University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Lecturer of History and Classics, 2012-2013
- Tulane University, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Studies,2009-2012
- Gettysburg College, Visiting/Adjunct Assistant Professor of Classics, 2004-2009
- Review of C. H. Lange, Triumphs in the Age of Civil War: The Late Republic and the Adaptability of Triumphal Tradition (Bloomsbury 2016), The Classical Review, online 4 December 2017.
- Review of S. Dmitriev, The Greek Slogan of Freedom and Early Roman politics in Greece (Oxford University Press 2011), Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2012.07.38.
- Review of P. Matyszak, Roman Conquests: Macedonia and Greece (Pen & Sword 2009), Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2011.03.87.
- Review of M. Pelikan Pittenger, Contested Triumphs: Politics, Pageantry, and Performance in Livy’s Republican Rome (Univ. of California 2008), The Historian 73.1 (Spring 2011) 204-205.
- Review of J. Allen, Hostages and Hostage-Taking in the Roman Empire (Cambridge 2006), Journal of Interdisciplinary History 38.3 (2007/2008) 439-440.
- Review of R. Pfeilschifter, Titus Quinctius Flamininus: Untersuchungen zur römischen Griechenlandpolitik (Göttingen 2005), Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2006.7.40.
- Review of A. Jacquemin, Offrandes monumentales à Delphes (Paris 1999), Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2000.11.09.