John Tristan Barnes

Department of Classics
1116B McClung Tower
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-0413
John Tristan Barnes
Research Interests
Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Aegean Archaeology; Social Structures and Collective Identities in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean; Ancient Astronomy
- Ph.D. in Classical archaeology (University of Missouri Columbia, 2016)
- M.A. in Classics (University of Missouri Columbia, 2010)
- M.A. in Classical Archaeology (University of Missouri Columbia, 2008)
- B.A. in Classics and Anthropology (Centre College, 2005)
- 2022. “Written in the Stars: Practical Astronomy in Ancient Greece.” Public lecture for the East Tennessee Society chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America, April 26, Knoxville.
- 2020. “Back to Basics: Ancient Technologies and Invisible Histories.” Invited paper for the panel “Going beyond the text: Incorporating experiential learning in Classics courses.” Paper read at the 116th Annual Meeting of the Classical Society of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), 30 May, online (formerly Birmingham).
- 2020. “Practical Astronomy in Ancient Greece.” Paper read for the Smokey Mountain Astronomical Society, 10 January, Knoxville. [invited community lecture]
- 2019. “Penelope Polutropos and the Bow of Odysseus.” Paper read at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Classical Society of the Middle West and South (CAMWS), 6 April, Lincoln.
- 2018. “An LM IA Metal Workshop at Gournia.” Paper read at the 119th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America / Society for Classical Studies (AIA/SCS), 7 January, Boston.
- 2017. “Early Constellations and Astronomical Knowledge in Ancient Greece.” Invited paper read for the Art History Association at Old Dominion University, 28 November, Norfolk.
- 2017. “Thoughts on the Appearance of Carian Social Groups in the Early Iron Age Bodrum Peninsula.” Paper read at the 118th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America / Society for Classical Studies (AIA/SCS), 8 January, Toronto.
- 2014. “Ancestors and Territory in the Funerary Landscape of the Late Bronze Age Southeast Aegean.” Paper read at the 115th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America / American Philological Association (AIA/APA), 4 January, Chicago.
- 2013. “Greece in the Ancient World and Today,” Invited guest lecture for ARH 3130: Survey of Greek Art and Archaeology at Florida State University, 30 August, Tallahassee.
- 2012. “An Early Astronomical Painting: Constellations on an Archaic Drinking Vessel,” Paper read at the 5th International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 4 April, Athens.
- 2012. “Asteras Eipein: An Archaic View of the Constellations from Halai,” Paper read at the annual Tea Talk series, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 19 January, Athens.
- 2011. “‘Greece’ and Its Historical Context,” Invited guest lecture for ARH 3130: Survey of Greek Art and Archaeology at Florida State University, 2 September, Tallahassee.
- 2009. “The Best-Laid Plans of Men: Utopian Grids and Dystopian Rings,” Paper read at the Eugene Lane Occasional Papers in Ancient Studies, University of Missouri, 25 February, Columbia.
- 2008. “The Aegean Kingship: Views from the Bronze Age East,” Paper read at the 17th Art History and Archaeology Graduate Student Symposium, University of Missouri, 1 March, Columbia.
- 2008. “The Validity of Kingship: Perceptions of the Aegean in the Ancient Near East and Egypt,” Paper read at the Eugene Lane Occasional Papers in Ancient Studies, University of Missouri, 14 February, Columbia.
- CLAS 111 (Beginning Latin I)
- CLAS 150: Latin Transition
- CLAS 201 (Introduction to Classical Civilization)
- CLAS 253 (Greek and Roman Literature in Translation)
- CLAS 254 (Greek and Roman Epic in English Translation)
- CLAS 273 (Medical Terminology)
- CLAS 299 (Research Practicum in Classics)
- CLAS 340 (Greek and Roman Athletics)
- CLAS 345 (Greek and Roman Religion)
- CLAS 381 (Greek Civilization)
- CLAS 436 (Cities and Sanctuaries in the Greek and Roman World)
- Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Tennessee Knoxville, 2020-present
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of World Languages and Cultures, Old Dominion University, 2017-2018
- President, East Tennessee Society chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (2021-2022)
- Vice-President, East Tennessee Society chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (2020-2021)