Reema Habib

1109 McClung Tower
Department of Classics
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996
Reema Habib
Teaching Associate Professor
Research Interests
Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology; Material Culture of Magic; Ancient Greek and Roman Religion
Ph.D. Department of Classics, The Florida State University. Dissertation: Protective Magic in Ancient Greece: Patterns in the Material Culture of Apotropaia from the Archaic to Hellenistic Periods.
M.A. Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College.
M.F.S. Department of Forensic Sciences, The George Washington University.
B.A. Cum Laude, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology and Department of Biology, Bryn Mawr College.
Nominated. College Convocation Teaching Award, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
Faculty Dissertation Fellowship, Department of Classics, Florida State University.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Florida State University.
FSU Foundation Conference Award, Florida State University.
Angelos Langadas Fellowship, Department of Classics, Florida State University.
Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. Award to Promote Excellence, Florida State University.
ARCS Short-Term Research Fellowship, The American Research Center in Sofia.
Thompson Award, Department of Classics, Florida State University.
Thompson Fellowship, Department of Classics, Florida State University.
Certificate, Program for Instructional Excellence, Florida State University.
Graduate Fellowship, Bryn Mawr College.
Dorothy Nepper Marshall Fellowship, Bryn Mawr College.
Undergraduate Research Fellow, Molecular Laboratory, American Museum of Natural History, New York NY.
Alumnae Regional Scholars Award, Bryn Mawr College.
“Between a Rock and the Written Word: Ruminations on the Object versus the Inscription in Ancient Greek Magic,” Invited paper to be read at the 2024-2025 MARCO Symposium at the University of Tennessee Knoxville.
“Reconsidering Apotropaia in Ancient Greece,” Invited paper for the Eta Sigma Phi chapter at the University of Iowa. Via Zoom, Mar. 18. 2021.
“The Gorgon’s Eye: Constructing Protective Magic in Ancient Greece,” Paper read for the East Tennessee Chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America. Knoxville TN, Feb. 2. 2021.
“Experience Learning ‘Lite’: Using the One-Hour Classroom as a Gateway to Deeper Learning,” Paper accepted to the UT Innovative Teaching and Learning Conference: Lighting the Pathway for Deeper Learning in Knoxville TN, Mar. 31. 2020. Conference cancelled due to Covid-19.
“Hands On the Past: A Tactile Approach to Archaeology,” Invited paper for the panel “Going Beyond the Text: Incorporating Experiential Learning in Classics Courses,” 116th CAMWS Virtual Annual Meeting. 2020.
“Monsters and Mayhem in the Ancient World,” Paper read at the University of Tennessee Latin Day XXXVIII, Knoxville TN, Oct. 24. 2019.
“Penelope Polutropos and the Bow of Odysseus,” Paper read at the 115th CAMWS Annual Meeting in Lincoln, NE. Apr. 6. 2019.
“Don’t Blink! Rethinking Apotropaia in Ancient Greece.” Invited paper for the Old Dominion University Art History Association in Norfolk, VA. February 2018.
“Seeking Help from the Gods and Men: Chronological Changes in the Language of Apotropaia,” Paper read at the 111th CAMWS Annual Meeting in Boulder, CO. Mar. 25 – 28. 2015.
“Displacing the Gods: Household Ritual in Tetrarchic Corinth.” Paper read at the 115th AIA / APA Joint Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Jan. 2 – 5. 2014.
“Prophetic Landscapes: A Case Study of the Trophoneion at Levadia.” Paper read at the Bridges to New Worlds – Annual Meeting of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) in Buffalo, NY. May 17 – 20. 2012.
“On Hippocrates and Plato: Plato as a doctor in the Symposium and the Timaeus.” Paper read at the 108th CAMWS Annual Meeting in Baton Rouge, LA. Mar. 28 – 31. 2012
2023 – Present. Senior Lecturer. Department of Classics. University of Tennessee Knoxville.
2018 – 2023. Lecturer. Department of Classics. University of Tennessee Knoxville.
2017 – 2018. Adjunct Professor. Department of World Languages. Old Dominion University.
2006 – 2017. Graduate Instructor. Department of Classics. The Florida State University.
2024 – Present. Latin Placement Exam Coordinator, Department of Classics, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
2024 – Present. Latin Program Coordinator, Department of Classics, University of Tennessee Knoxville.
2023 – Present. Faculty Senator, University of Tennessee Knoxville.